TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation is a new ground breaking method where the light from the laser can target specific imperfections in the skin, while leaving the healthy skin that surrounds the area untouched. The laser emits heat that increases the new collagen in the dermis and the rejuvenation process is sped up thanks to the untreated skin in the surround area.
TwinLight® Fractional Rejuvenation can improve the look of your skin in a simple three step procedure:
Conditioning: A Nd:YAG beam goes along the surface of your skin twice, with the first pass giving the skin a short stimulus, while the second pass has the tissue get penetrated which in turn causes deep heating for a sucessful fractional treatment therapy.
Fractional therapy: .The Er:YAG laser removes the worn out and older skin which get replaced with a healthier, tighter new tissue as the new skin begins to form.
Peeling: The Er:YAG beam finishes the procedure by removing any superficial imperfections.