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Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Laser skin resurfacing uses a gentle pulse to reshape your skin. It can remove the signs of UV damage, as well as acne and chicken pox scars, age spots ...

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We all have a desire to stay and look as youthful as possible. This desire has led to a huge boost in the market for anti-aging treatments. As laser technology has improved leaps and bounds in recent years, we now have much longer lasting scientifically approved methods of getting the natural beauty of the skin. Laser skin resurfacing allows for a far more precise and accurate control when it comes to the treatment process, as oppose to treatments like chemical peels and dermabrasion which aren’t nearly as reliable.

Rejuvenation and laser skin resurfacing treatments can be done in two modes. One is Nd:YAG which is non-ablatively, and Er:YAG which is ablative. It all depends on what type of aesthetic the doctor and patient which to achieve. Fotona’s TwinLight™ Fractional Rejuvenation system can also be combined into a thorough anti-aging treatment.